My Artsy world, out in the open!

Plants and Arts

Hi everyone!
It’s been awhile since I last wrote a blog. Anyhow, I just want to share my first “Pop-Up” experience in California. It was quiet not what I was expecting but nevertheless it was one fun filled afternoon with my co-artists friends!

First what is a “Pop-Up”?
It is actually a term use for years now in show casing your business either inside your home, in your garage, within your backyard or along the street with other small businesses. And this is actually a “private event”, unless you get & pay a permit to hold one outside your house or join a farmer’s market and pay a rent.
Pop-ups are not like what they called “Tupperware” which was introduced in 1940’s era. Which is like an in-house presentation.  Or at times even like a multi-level gathering.
Pop-ups are more relaxed. You can come and go as you please. And check out tables or corners of each participants and buy stuff that soothes your budget or taste. No pressure but just fun.
Why the word “Pop up”? simply because products that you see here are often times unique, special or limited edition. They don’t have a store to lease. So people come by and check it out because you’ll never know when and where they will Pop up again. Customers find delight in what they can see and discover in Pop up gatherings.
Back in the Philippines I did a lot of “Pop-up” but the term then was “Tiangge” or having a spot in a Flea Market. Or joining even at school fare. Fun way to reach out people!

I want to say thank you to our church friend, Angel for opening her home for our products. For being such a kind host.
Speaking about products, please check the link below and who knows you might need our services nor products or it might be something that interest you!

Ms Angel Chau. She is into photography, primarily Family portraits. And together with her Mom they make cute little soaps of different shape, form & character for souvenirs.

Character soaps.

Ms Melissa Sadang. She is into crafting. Check out her website to see what she can make. Those cute little things from gift wrapping, tags, cards and many more. That can absolutely give a smile on the face of your recipients. What a wonderful surprise to share and give.

Absolutely Artsy.

Ms Rechelle Roy. She is into all kids of Arts. Such a talented hands she got. Aside from doing very good paintings, she is a very sweet consultant of a unique nail wraps. So much to learn about this product more so, so much fun to use! Check out her link.

Nail wraps
Jamberry Nail Wraps

Asking what was in my little corner? I showcase my interest in succulents and my little artsy side. I did some cute homey arrangements of my succulent babies. And artsy cable wraps.
Hopefully sometime soon, I can start making a separate site for my products and services. Like making center pieces, souvenirs, event’s decorations and etc. All in God’s beautiful time. But for now, if anything interest you, just message me through this website.

Succulents, cord wraps
The beginning.

To every one who joined us that day. Thank you so much for your support and patronizing the works of our hands. Hopefully we see you again on our next Pop up, where ever it may be.

Have a wonderful day! And may this verse encourage you my Pop up friends and to everyone who visited today.
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us– yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17”


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