Amazing Grace! A Testimonial to share.

Today, I am led to share a testimonial.
Amazing Grace- SweetLifeJourney

My very own personal journey and experience. A sharing on how amazing our God is. On how God will allow certain things to happen only to find out that there is always HIS great purpose and all just for HIS glory. Moments that if we learn to run to God. To just trust God. That at the end we find peace and we received a great result, HIS “amazing grace” that makes our faith even stronger, bolder and firmer for HIM.

To begin with…

A year ago, my Obstetrician found a cyst on my uterus. He wanted to remove it because it may interfere with the goal to get pregnant. So my Husband and I started praying and rebuking that the cyst will go away. Praise God that after few months the OB just realized it’s not there anymore. And we were back in track to get pregnant. He even said, it’s a miracle that just like that, it’s gone. “Our prayers to our Lord was if possible to melt it away. And He allowed it!”

To God be the glory! And then…

This year, just 2 months ago, I was doing my routine mammogram check up and they found a suspicious cyst. So after few weeks they did another mammogram and ultrasound. And yes, there is the suspicious formation. That led to a Breast Biopsy. It’s so suspicious that they wanted to know if there’s any cancer forming behind it. Now, you can imagine a fear that might surround my mind. Though as far as we know, we don’t have a history of Breast cancer from both sides. But just recently we found out a close relative from our Mother’s side was just diagnosed of Breast Cancer. So the more it got me scared.

But fear, nervousness and getting scared are normal reactions but should not be entertained at this point.
Praying is what we need to do.
So again, my Husband and I prayed about it, rebuked any bad news.
We had my immediate family and two of our faithful prayer partners prayed with us about this.

And we heard the news.

Days passed by as we wait for the Biopsy result. All we did instead of worrying was to pray day and night. Entrusting it to our mighty God that all is well. Still claiming that my breasts will be blessed to breastfeed eventually in God’s beautiful time. And then as we enter the room of the Physician. We are praying and claiming for God’s favor. The Physician smiled and asked us to sit down. And uttered these words, “Well, all is fine.”

Relieved! To God be the glory!
Amazing Grace

Yes, you can imagine the smiles on our faces. Our hearts rejoicing for God’s favor again. The Physician said, that it’s indeed a good news that after the 5 samples, no cancer cell was found. All their doubts were proven wrong by our Almighty God! The Physician said, “You have nothing to worry about your breasts after all… see you after a year for a routine mammogram & ultrasound.”
God took away every signs & symptoms I was then having.

Another praise report that God heard our prayers again. And HE can actually hear yours as well.

Sometimes, we wonder why things happen. Sometimes it gets too tiring to experience one event from another. Sometimes it can be discouraging. Sometimes, you will be in a point to almost ask God…why? Then on top of it, sometimes you have some people in your life that don’t understand what you are going through because they’ve never been into your shoes. Some people can easily misjudge you, your emotions and your situations.. But then you also have some people in your life that can just be so supportive to you and will absolutely just pray with you. But instead of lingering on negative thoughts and feelings, when you get into a situation or moments that I just mentioned, pray. Just kneel down and pray. Our God does have tons of promises that we can hold on to.

Giving God all the praises and glory for HIS merciful favor.

Let us be encouraged. Knowing God will never leave us nor forsake us.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.”- Philippians 4:6-7 This was the verse, God’s promise that I was holding on, on the day of my biopsy.
“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” -Psalm 37:23-24 And this is the one I received and carried with me as we hear the result of my biopsy. God holds our hands. It doesn’t need to be tight. For HE knows exactly how to hold us. It’s just a matter of learning how to “never” let go of God’s hand.
Another thing, do not be shy to ask for prayers. Surround yourself with people that can pray with you. Praying together is always a great factor. Giving glory to our God.


It’s an amazing grace from God, that I pray… you will receive today.
Have a victorious day!

Amazing Grace- SweetLifeJourney


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