Boost Your Chances: This Is for You Women

I don’t know how exactly to begin this blog about boosting your chances to be a mother of your own when I am not a mother yet. But anyhow, I am still so eager to share pointers that I’ve learned and discovered on how to boost your chances of getting pregnant. And because each day counts, I will also be unselfish in sharing all these facts like what my set of wonderful Friends did for me!

First things first, if you are 25 or above and started planning to get married or you have a dream to be a Mother someday, now is the best time to start taking Vitamin C and Folic Acid everyday, constantly! This goes to all my young friends and to those that are getting married soon! Even to those that are presently trying to be pregnant.

Fertility Facts- SweetLifeJourneyYou might be wondering if I ever got pregnant already? Yes I did! Ever since my husband and I got married year 2012, we’ve been trying to get pregnant. But months later, it’s just not happening. And because I am not getting any younger, we decided to change our OB to a Specialist. Then I found out that couples actually take time to find their rhythm together in love making. Sometimes it takes 7 months to 2 years before they can hit the jackpot. But this does not apply to all because there are some couples that waited for more than 4 years and even beyond.
By the way, if you are married now and wish to get pregnant, start taking Pre-Natal Vitamins because you’ll never know, so it’s always better to be prepared. Prepare and nourish your womb!

It’s also a great suggestion to do a Pre-Conception check up, which we did! Your OB can do basic screening through your medical history, lifestyle, blood works, ultrasounds and some minor procedure or test. This way you will know if your ovaries, Fallopian tubes and Uterus and certain hormone levels are good to go to get pregnant! Also some of the tests can check your compatibility as a couple and so as the sperm of your husband.


What I am about to share will contribute to increase your chances. As I will always say, “there’s no harm in trying!” Because personally I experienced this. Since mid part of 2013, I am closely monitored by my OB through ultrasound and blood works, so I witnessed the improvements. I saw the changes within 5 months of applying what I’ve learned from my Doctors and Friends and it’s even getting better up to now. It actually increased my chances of getting a real pregnancy. It’s a joy to know that we can have easy sources in boosting our chances which God ca easily provide before we even jump into the more expensive means! But as my OB told me, with my age, I am still so blessed because I easily get pregnant. It’s  just a matter of time to hit the right healthy eggs. But it’s a sadder picture in our society he said, because before women that are about above 40’s goes to him for consultation but now a days even women in their 20’s are having difficulty getting pregnant years after they’ve been married. And that is because of our environment, the food intake, lifestyle and stress.

Before you consult any specialist which we all know is very expensive, I encourage you to try these few tips first. It works wonders. So praying that it will work well with most of us!

But of course who are we to lose hope, when we think of Sarah from the Bible, her story is just amazing! Because one thing is for sure, prayer works well! God’s mercy & miracles to make something happen are just a prayer away. But, yup there’s a “but”, make sure you really want it and that we do our part as well in taking good care of our Bodies, our health.

If you and your spouse have been trying it for sometime, now is the best time to check your medicine cabinet, your fridge and your lifestyle. What do you take and eat to strengthen your ovaries and your chances to hit the jackpot? Make sure you are having healthy diets! Making sure you are doing your best to protect your uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries. That no harm will affect these valuable parts. Make sure you know your cycle. Then you can try using the  Ovulation Predictor Kit days after your menstrual period to know your surge. Then make love on the 10th, 12th and 14th day from your first day of menstrual period. Or basically make lots of love making on your ovulation period, while having fun!

Now begin by quitting smoking, alcohol, and staying so late at night. Then start having healthy meals and have enough sleep. Exercise, do some walking, loose some of the extra weight. This is a training to be disciplined.

IMG_5785Eat more vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, eggplant, squash, sweet potato, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, kale, asparagus and Brussels sprouts which are highly packed with Folic Acid. Also have beans, peas & other legumes like peanuts. Make sure to eat more almonds, walnuts and other nuts instead of salty junk foods. Most of all have a lot of sun flower seeds!
Then have some fruits such as green mango, any kinds of berries like strawberries & so, banana, pears, citrus fruits and most of all avocado.Then make sure you have enough milk and yogurt every now and then. If you are lactose intolerant, try Soy milk. Please Lessen rice, less carbohydrates but more of salads.
Have enough protein from meats like beef, pork & chicken. And if you love chicken so much, make sure it is well cooked and hormone-free (organic is even better). So there’s no chemicals injected that might increase the rate of your chances to develop cysts/ tumor in any part of your body particularly in your ovaries & breasts. Then you have to pay attention when you are eating seafood particularly fishes because you have to avoid fishes that are high in mercury content. Even if you are in the stage of just trying to get pregnant you have to consider that mercury stays in our blood stream for months before our body naturally excretes it. High in mercury fishes should only be taken no more than “three” 6oz per month such as Halibut, Canned Tuna, Fresh bluefin, Lobster etc. Low in mercury fishes should only be taken no more than “six” 6oz servings per month such as Carp, Mahi-mahi, Crab, Snapper, Cod, etc. And the lowest mercury  content should not be taken “two” 6oz per week such as Anchovies, Squid, Caviar, King Crab, Catfish, Scallops, Rock Lobster, Sardines, Crawfish, Salmon, Shrimp, Oyster, Tilapia, etc. Make sure you have some Oysters!



We have to avoid cold drinks. Such as sodas, iced tea, iced coffee, even ice cream. Yup if you can totally avoid caffeine it’s better but if not make sure you take only one small cup of caffeinated beverages every day. Then drink a lot of water through out the day. Enjoy a cup of hot ginger tea, hot soup, or simply hot water or milk. By the way, when I said caffeine, this includes the dark chocolates and certain teas. We also should avoid oily and salty food.

Then some more suggestions to help make our eggs healthier. Take Vitamin E, CoQ10 , and Royal Jelly, DHEA. In case you know that you have thicker blood, have a low dose of Aspirin. And if you are certain you are not receiving enough sunshine, take Vitamin D3 as well.

If you are a sporty person, good exercise is always a plus for your stamina and blood circulation. But nothing too extreme because we don’t want to stress our body. Suggested are yoga, light Kick boxing, Taebo, running or simply a daily walk.

Then you can also try Acupuncture. It’s not painful as it looks. And I know women who got pregnant after a few months of having acupuncture. It’s just like a physical therapy that helps regulate your body but this time it’s for the advantage of our reproductive functions.

Lastly, lots of Prayers. You and your husband should pray together united asking God for this beautiful blessing. Commanding your womb to be fertile and be pregnant! Praying together to have that day when you will both hear the first cry of your very own offspring. That pure joy!

And just in case you’ve done all the test first and found out that everything is normal with you. Try starting to take the Vitamins and supplements I mentioned. So as the diet to follow. Before jumping to do any expensive advance medical means of getting pregnant like Fertility Drugs, Artificial Insemination, Donor Sperm or Eggs or the famous IVF and so much more.

I was inspired to share these things because of the wonderful people around me that are so kind, so loving, such a giver, so unselfish and very much patiently praying with us to get pregnant soon and giving me all these beautiful advices of what to do best to strengthen my reproductive system and my chances. I want to extend my sweetest gratitude to my faithful friends and BFFs for sharing what they know as a profession and to what they also learned from others. I can share a lot of beautiful adjectives to these lovely women but for now, I’m sending my humble “Thank You” to  Dr. Genie Benitez, Ms Rowela Dy Teves Deterala, Ms Grace Garcia, Ms Shiela Deterala, Ms. Janel Garduce and Ms Mitos Divinagracia. To this lovely mothers and mothers to be, thank you for your friendship and for your unselfish hearts! Sending my love for you guys!

Thank you to you for your time to read this blog. If you are aspiring to be a mom soon, may these suggestions help you and encourage you as well. As you read this, I am sending my prayers for you and your husband that God will extend His merciful hands to bless your womb and bring forth a healthy baby or babies soon.

Never loose hope. Our prayers, actions and sacrifices to treat our bodies right will bring forth a blessing that we’ve been praying for. Our very own bundle of Joy soon! Looking forward for inspiring testimonials on his blog. Share it to any Ladies you think might benefit.


“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act.”
Psalm 37:5,7

“Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead!”
I Peter 1:6

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