Burger Patties!

Burger Patties on the go!

Both my Husband and I loves a good meaty juicy Burger. So I kept trying different recipes. Every now and then, I will prepare the patties and my Husband does the grilling. A freshly home made Patties is always the best! Not only you and your family can enjoy doing it together but the joy to grill, dine & bond together in your Patio, Backyard or even in the Park is always priceless.

Freshly made...
Freshly made…

So here it goes…
2 lbs ground beef
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/4 chopped onion
1 /2 chopped garlic

1/2 tbsp dried basil
1/2 tbsp dried parsley
1/2 tbsp garlic salt
1/4 tbsp ground pepper
1/4 tbsp cayenne pepper
1/3 cup Italian Bread crumbs

Combine all together the ingredients.
Go dirty with your hands, smash & mix it very well.
Then start making a ball shape (the size you want your patty would be), then
start forming it into a rounded patty by patting flat your rounded.
Refrigerate for a minimum of one hour
before you start grilling.
(You can refrigerate it longer, or freeze the patties for future usage)


Ready for the Party!
Ready for the Party!


Grab your ingredients now and enjoy making this patties!

Psalm 103:17
But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children’s children—

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