Church time

Why do you go to Church?
Have you ever asked yourself?


Each of us will have tons of different answers to this question.
Maybe, we go to Church because…

-I just feel like going today..
-my parents go to that Church.
-simply I was told so.
-I have a new dress to wear.
-I want to see my crush.
-all my friends goes to that Church.
-I want to display my new car.
-they have cool sound system.
-their Pastor is cute.
-every one is friendly there.
-my wife goes to that Church.
-that’s the Church where I got my promotion!
-they have free breakfast.
-they don’t care If I leave early.
-my Boss attends to that Church.
-my kids love their Children’s area.
-my boyfriend & his family goes to that Church.
-their chairs are so comfy!
-and etc etc.

I do pray that our reasons never fall on this list.
And if it does, may maturity and depth arise in our reasoning.

Part 1
Just a flash back. I got born again because our Dad got born again. Our Dad prayed for spiritual break through and asked God to lead our family to which Church to really go. Within that week, God sent a couple that was selling paintings, doing a house -to-house. This couple got hungry and tried to have some snacks in our small canteen business. Our Dad saw what they did before they started eating…“They bowed down their heads, closed eyes and prayed.” He got curious then, even given our super shy Mom instructions on how to ask them which Church do they go to. To make the story short, our Dad eventually had a conversation with them and our family was invited to their Church.

Part 2
That Sunday, we attended a Church situated outside a street but with a crowd of like 500 or even more people. And because it was our first time, we ended up sitting in the front row. And believe it or not, what the preacher was sharing that evening all pertains to my Dad! I remembered my Dad even asked us, if our mom or anyone of us told anyone or even spoke to that Pastor about our Family and particularly about him? Because it seems like the Pastor knew him so well. (Goose bumps! God designed this day to happen.) At first, it was a disappointment to our Dad and even to us- kids. Because it’s a turn off that the Church is at the street? (No permanent address?!!!); then the chairs were least comfortable; and everyone sings like crazy with all the shouting & the jumping; and no proper restrooms. We thought that, that was the first & last Sunday that we’ll be there.

Part 3
When you prayed and God gave an answer, HE will finish what HE started. That was the beginning of our relationship with our God the father. Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” The salvation we received made us bloom to where we are now in our faith. Our Dad was eventually called to Pastor a small local Church in the Philippines. My siblings and I grew up serving God in a young age, simply because we are the so called, “PK… Pastor’s kids!” I, personally learned to lead worship & do back ups as well; tried to learn some instruments from tambourine, piano, guitar & drums!; host and be an emcee in every event; became the coordinator, designer, administrator in our small Church; became the head of Children’s ministry; do out reach little programs, house to house visits and etc.

Part 4
So, eventually… from going to Church because my parents goes to that Church, it changed into… because I need to, I was told so, because I am a Pastor’s kid & etc. It became exhausting. Why? Because it came to the point, I am not being fed spiritually. Yes, I read books or read the Bible, i prayed a lot but because I was trying hard to juggle things, I slowly slip away in hearing the word. Until I got so busy with my School hospital duties because I am graduating soon. Until things became a routine. Pressures & stress bounces back and forth. It’s not healthy anymore. That’s when I started going to other Churches just to feed my soul. God knows our hearts. He sees our desires to serve Him and He knows our needs. Next thing, I am back on track. God made me realize, I am not serving my Dad or the people at Church, but I am serving the almighty God who died on the cross for me. That I don’t go to Church because of those shallow reasons, but because He saved me, chose me and called me. Ephesians 6:7 “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.”
Now, I simply go to Church because of Jesus who saved me. And everything else is a bonus for God’s greater glory!

Part 5
Now, can you re-answer the first question?
We should be reminded that God died on the cross for a reason. “You”
God saved us first even before we utter the words… “Lord, help me”
He brought us to a Church for His glory, “not ours”
He is pleased with our worship, even we don’t know anything about music.
He is honored with our services, even what we do is just sweep the floor.
God communicates to us in so many ways,
one way is by hearing the words of God at Church
and we grow even more by our fellowship among fellow believers.



Lord, I pray that every Sunday will be an exciting day for me. May my heart remain focused on you, pure and faithful. Give me the understanding I need to absorb well all of your teachings, guidance and corrections. May my daily walk give glory to You alone. Let everyone see You in my life, my words and my actions. Bless me with the courage I need to share your goodness to others and that one day I will be able to bring them to this Church and lead them to the Salvation you promised to all of us. This I pray in Jesus mighty name, amen.

New Life Foursquare 

Calvary Chapel Southbay

Beach Cities Christian Fellowship

 Hope Chapel

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