
I am so shocked that this happened today, Feb 29, 2020 at 5:50pm. And praying it never ever happen again- to anyone.

I went to Costco today with my Mom and we are kinda in a hurry. Finally positioning our cart to one of the shortest line in a busy Saturday. There was this very jolly and talkative cashier which for me, I don’t mind. My Mom suggested we move to another cashier because the one on our right was way shorter line. But we stayed. Fast forward, it’s our turn and she is very conversing, talking about her recent travel, next thing you know we are almost done. I guess it reflects that I’m in a hurry, she was fast.

I paid with a Gift Card. Costco Shop Card. I handed my Costco card then the cashier said, “go on and swipe your Costco shopcard!”

I did. As she is printing the receipt she then said, “by the way your gift card is empty already! I can throw it for you.”

I looked at her confused and said, “are you sure it’s empty?”… She then handed the receipt pointing that it shows it’s empty. Handed my Costco card back. And said again, “yes there’s nothing on it, i can get rid of that for you”. So I then gave her my Costco Shopcard. Suddenly she became dismissive and started talking to the bagging boy and eventually to next customer.

So as I was leaving, I texted my husband and asked how much really was in the gift card because I got suspicious! I went over the receipt and guess what!?! At the very end it shows the big balance left! And that was not the part the cashier was pointing at!

Thank God for always protecting us in so many ways. If not of the prompting of the Holy Spirit that was a big money lost. So I sprung back but went straight to look for the Floor Manager on duty. She took my receipt and instantly apologized. We went to the involved cashier, and I was just observing like 2 feet away.

The manager asked the cashier, “where are your costco shopcard?” The cashier acting busy pointed where it was? “Not on the trash bin” but inside her cash register- there was 2 inside! The manager matched my receipt with the last 4 digit numbers in one of the cards.

And again she apologized and promised to make an action.

What’s disappointing?

The Cashier obviously was guilty! She didn’t even look at her manager. Didn’t even asked why the manager is looking for it? Didn’t even apologize to the manager or to me if it was a “mistake”. Crazy behavior!

The manager did apologized right?  but I am disappointed still that she didn’t act one, she didn’t even made an incident report. Didn’t asked for my name or any detail to assure me such behavior of an employee will never happen again. And the Manager did nothing for my inconvenience of springing back inside, thinking the cashier might take a break and carry my gift card away. Not because I didn’t made a scene she just dismissed it too. She didn’t even asked the cashier why she did what she did!

Why Costco?! I super love you! And I am a proud member for years and years! Everyone was friendly and trustworthy! Why have someone like this? Now I wonder, if the other shopcard in her cash register belongs to someone else too. Or how many customer encountered this kind of event?

Anyways I am sharing my experience to remind us all to be vigilant in making and doing transactions in Costco or elsewhere. Because there will always be a bad apple. A rotten tomato. And so on and so forth.

To the Cashier that was bragging about her recent travel and yet tried to take advantage of the situation and almost steal from me. I forgive you. And I pray that God will move in your life to the point that you will never take advantage of anyone else ever. And that this incident will not happen to you as well.

I still love Costco, but just not appreciating this kind of workers.
I usually have a good Costco Story, but not this time.

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