Dish Placards

Here is something that is so fun to do and can be very stylish depending on your occasion. The dish placards!

One of my fave “Mother” at Church requested me to do this little knick-knacks because she does a lot of Catering. And because I love doing it not only for myself, I was honored and thrilled to make some for her!
Check out HomeCooking by Faith.

Materials depends on what type of looks you would prefer. You can use metals, woods, chalk boards, framed papers, hard plastics and etc. Something you can insert a printed word or simply write on the words. You can have it standing, hanging, or lying down next to the dishes.  And it can be all kinds of shapes too! The shade of colors depends on how you want yours. It can be all your favorite colors, or just a shade of brown, or you can do mix colors. Motifs can be just crystals and white, or you can go nature with flowers and butterflies, or you can accessorized it by pebbles/ stones, or can be just a plain placards. So many things you can do and be creative with your own placards.

So I went to a Dollar Tree store and Michael’s store. Usually when I am about to create something, I just go to 2 to 3 stores, and do window shopping as my mind starts imagining how I want it to be based on the available materials I am seeing. And of course I always try to find something on sale or really cheaper. So, here it goes…

Materials I used was small wood ready made placards with chalk board surface already. And mixing it with Heart shape cut chalk boards. I got some wooden cloth clips. I’m using earth tone and nature motif so it can easily go to any kinds of occasion. I bought different size of cut out flowers made with fabric. Some butterflies. And little paper cut out flowers too. I used Tacky glue to put them all together.

1. First, gathering all your materials in front of you. So easier to work on!











2. Then, I temporarily put the chosen accessories to where I want it to be, just to visualize it, if that is how I want it. You can play along with it, trying different sides, different shades and etc.

3. Now that I am satisfied, I started gluing my accessories to my chosen boards.
Note: The heart shape chalk boards does not have anything to hold it. So what I did was to glue a piece of medium size cloth clip at the back of the board. Testing each clip that can hold the board and can freely stand by itself.


Now it’s ready! You can use any Chalk sticks or markers to write on it. Make sure it’s erasable! Start writing your “Menu”, “Dishes” “Desserts”, “Drinks” for the day! Have fun!!!

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Genesis 26:28-31. They said, “We see plainly that the LORD has been with you; so we said, `Let there now be an oath between us, even between you and us, and let us make a covenant with you, that you will do us no harm, just as we have not touched you and have done to you nothing but good and have sent you away in peace. You are now the blessed of the LORD.'” Then he made them a feast, and they ate and drank.

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