Grandparents Month! Thinking about my Amah!

Hi guys!

I’m caught up with few things lately that I never had the chance to do blogs.
Anyhow, because they say that September is the “Grand Parents Month”, I decided to make a little something for my awesome Grandmother! She’s the best Grandma, Grannie, Lola, name it…Amah! I decided to create a “Fruit Veggie Basket”. Healthier and easier to blend and serve.

There is just this certain “joy” in crafting a simple gift for someone you love. No matter how cheap it cost, it will always end up to be so special and priceless.

To begin with… I imagined how I want it to look.

So, instead of going out to Fancy places or doing on lines (which I do sometimes!), I decided to check a Thrift Store near our place to buy a basket. And this is what I saw…
For $1.99 (Make sure you sanitized it first…)












And then I went to the Grocery and shopped for some fresh fruits and veggies that will make it look more prettier and colorful. For less than $15.00








And because I knew how much my Amah appreciates plants/flowers, I Added a small beautiful Orchid flower which was $7.00 (on sale…)












Then using my left over ribbons, hand crafted flowers, tissue gift papers and  personalized card, I am ready now to create this project.












By the way, this is a pretty and unique 2 tiered style basket but because I got it from a thrift shop, it is not prefect. See the broken part? Let’s do something about it…











I twisted a coil ribbon around it, added a flower accent…












And now we continue with our crafting project.




















































I do hope that our Amah will appreciate it and enjoy the healthy goodies in it!










Sometimes, we need this little surprises in our lives. But take note, surprises does not need to be expensive. Bottom line, it’s the content of our heart in giving, not on the amount of what we can give. Also, be reminded that we don’t need special occasions to show love to those that are special to us. Start today…












Just imagine how God sometimes give us little surprises?! It’s amazing on how in our daily lives, HIS provisions and protection is just always ahead of us. Ready for us to receive. But it’s a sad picture that sometimes, we don’t see the little good things because our eyes are too focused on the big things only. That we get tired of waiting, and end up thinking that GOD is not there… do not be deceived by the enemy. Don’t look too far… God is always right next to us. Luke 16:10 – “He who is faithful in a very little things is faithful also in much…”

What is your little surprise today? Learning to appreciate little things, will make you ready to receive bigger joyful surprises!

“Happy Grandparents to all Grandparents! All of you are such a blessing. Our roots started with you guys. And we thank the good Lord for YOU!”


Surprise someone! Happy September…


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