Harvest Festival 2015- I learned.

Last night my husband and I visited our family Church’ event! Harvest Fest Super Heroes Edition!

Harvest Fest 2015
This event has been one of my favorite among others and being it’s event coordinator it does have a special place in my heart. But this year due to pregnancy, I endorsed all the ideas and planning to a wonderful Person and an Awesome Team. Kudos! to all the Team Leaders and the rest of all the hard working volunteers! You guys did a great job! Glory be to God. Thank you to all!

I did not opt to wear some costume this time, instead I made a super hero theme T-shirts for us. A superman for my husband and a wonder woman for me- logos! Instead of pow… I used power! And with a verse Jeremiah 32:17 “Ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the earth by your great POWER and outstretched arm. There is NOTHING too hard for YOU.”  Yup, the God we are serving is Powerful!

Handmade Shirts
After being away from Church for quiet some time, my husband and I were so excited to see the event! We felt so happy to see all familiar faces! And we felt the sweet love of our Church family! Thank you everyone for all your hugs, wishes and prayers. It is a great blessing to feel you belong! 

Anyhow, amidst the time we were there enjoying the cute costumes of all the kids and even adults, those artistic games and etc plus the live music… I personally experienced receiving the sweet hellos and smiles from our Church family and even with strangers! Until I saw this face… I was about to give this person a greeting smiles when that person gave me ( sadly ) a nasty look. As if that person hates to see me! (Disappointing ).
What is my take on this? I’m human…(Imagine, I will run to that person and ask that person, what is your problem?And bla bla bla!) BUT I am a child of GOD, creator of Heaven and Earth, so powerful that anyone else…(Imagine, I took a deep breathe and whispered a prayer). If I allowed myself to spoil my evening, loose my temper, and confronted that person…I then just allowed the devil to rule me. But nope, I am better than that. It is common to most of us to just suddenly loose the grip because of what others do to us. We often think, we don’t deserve such and such; those people don’t have the right to do this and that to us; this is below the belt and etc; they are stepping on our principles and etc; we are being taken for granted or abused; and a lot more! I learned my lessons a decade ago, and I myself got into the process of God’s molding and healing. Yes, it takes time… and it’s not gonna be easy, but the important part is, we are improving. We are learning. We are getting better. We are maturing. Believe me, God deals with our situations and God deals with them as well.


Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 “Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you ,for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others.” We all have fallen short. But it’s on how we mature eventually in handling situation like this or similar to this. Rebuke the negative feelings, and thru God our strength we can always end up still showing grace and kindness towards people that dislikes us, attacks us or abused us.

Corinthians 6:18 And “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” So we are all his children, and being part of the Family of Christ, we pray for each other, even to those that haven’t known HIM yet. Look beyond what that person is doing to us. I agree, it’s hard. It’s easier said than done. But let me remind you, that’s why we have a Powerful God who can help us get through situations like this.

 IMG_9661 Let the words of our God that we hear and hear, be well rooted in our hearts. 

I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13


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