Hawaii, it was just a dream.

I remember growing up and watching Hawaii 5-0 on TV. And some other movies shoot on Hawaii. I just find that place so beautiful and peaceful! Then sometimes I will play with my younger sister, imagining we are in Hawaii. Playing with our pillows as rocks by the shore, our blankets spread out from our bed down to the floor, imagining it as the big ocean with waves coming in. We’ll run inside our room, doing imaginary splashes of water, rolling over the blankets and imagining we’re swimming. Yeah, it was just a dream to see and be in Hawaii.

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Bed, pillows and blankets plus imaginations!


Not anymore…

Hawaii Trip- SweetLifeJourney

But just like dreams, they don’t come true over night. But dreaming can be a good start to know what you want and what to pray to God. I was so blessed that my Husband’s surprise for our Honeymoon year 2012 was a Hawaii Trip! It did not happen overnight, it took years and years before I set foot on Hawaii’s ground. So never give up on those dreams! It is just amazing how God works on with the things we like to happen in our lives. That sometimes, we felt like it’s gonna be forever just a dream, but behold! God’s prefect time is more beautiful and meaningful. Visiting these 2 islands in Hawaii because it’s my Honeymoon made it even more so special and memorable! Again, it’s worth the wait.


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The play time with my pillows and blankets became real now. Playing, running, swimming, just relaxing and enjoying the beauty of God’s creations in the land of Hawaii. Just like those TV shows or movies, I am walking holding hands with the man of my life in many shores of Hawaii! So romantic! I just give God all the glory for blessing me this way. And to my wonderful husband who was an instrument to bring my dream to life!

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Proverbs 31:10-12  “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life”



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