Homemade Bruschetta


Bruschetta; Homemade; SweetLifeJourney
A feel good appetizer!

I super love a good Bruschetta. Often times I consider making some but will always end up not doing it. Until few days ago my sister had a big batch of “redelicious” tomatoes from their very own humble backyard (Thanks Jeff&Flory!). What a best way to motivate me to finally try making some! And because we have our Wednesday Life Group (A Bible Study), what a perfect venue to serve them and make our friends try it out!

Here we go! I hope you’ll enjoy trying to make some  too!  A very healthy appetizer!

Medium size tomatoes
I used medium size tomatoes.

 1. Rinse tomatoes well- I used about 12 pieces

 2. Other ingredients are:
1 1/2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar
1tbsp Olive oil
5 gloves of garlic (if you want more, you can add up to 2-4pcs more)
1tsp of lemon
1/4 tsp ground pepper
1/2 cup of dried roasted tomatoes
1/2 cup roasted beacon bits(optional)

Stand by garlic powder and Feta cheese crumbles

3. You can either use 1/2 cup of Basil leaves or 1/2 cup of Moringa leaves (Malunggay) which I used.

Make sure to wash your veggies well.
Make sure to wash your veggies well.

4. Chop using a blender or a mixer all the garlic, half of the tomatoes & half of Moringa leaves,
then the dried roasted tomatoes

5. Chop manually into small square cuts the rest of the tomatoes and so as the rest of moringa leaves.

6. Mix all ingredients from the blender and your manually cut tomatoes & moringa with the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, beacon bits in a bowl. A little dash of ground pepper and garlic powder. Mix well but softly toss them.
Let it sit for 30 minutes for the flavor to blend together.

Gentle in tossing...
Gentle in tossing…

7. Spread a “tiny” amount of olive oil or your left over bacon oil on top of the sliced bread (use a small soft brush).
(Slice it side ways. I used baguette breads)
Then sprinkle some garlic powder on top of each slice.
BROIL it for about 3-6 minutes depending how crunchy you want it to be.

Put the toppings on top of your bread, sprinkle each one with some Feta Crumble Cheese…
(I include tiny amount of the juice to make the center softer to eat, Oh yumminess!)

And it’s ready! Serve it while bread is still warm!

You can put it inside the oven first to keep it warm.
You can put it inside the oven first to keep it warm.


NOTE: Make sure to Wash your HANDS before any food prepping!

Genesis 1:29 ESV
And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

Enjoy a happy healthy life!

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