My Apple Pie!

I’m not a pie person.
But for some reason last night, I was imagining an Apple Pie. So I told my wonderful Husband, I will try to bake one!
And today I did it! So here goes the recipe I put together after watching 4 videos and reading 3 kinds of recipes, including my 2 Recipe Book. Enjoy!!!

Apple Pie-SweetLifeJourney

A. The Crust
-2 Cups all Purpose Flour (Cold)
-2 Sticks of Butter (11 Tablespoon, cut into small cubes)
-2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
-1/2 Cup Ice Water
-1/4 Teaspoon Chia Seeds


-Here’s the trick. Make sure your Flour and Butter are cold when you are combining them.
-Mix together the cold Flour & Baking powder & Chia Seeds
-Add the Butter, using Fork mix it all together.
-Make sure all butter are well coated by Flour mixture
-Break the coated butter into smaller pieces using your hands (Make sure you wash your hands before baking!)
-Then slowly add the ice water into your Flour mixture until they are combine and can form a dough ball.
-Refrigerate your dough for 30 minutes while in plastic wrap.

-Working on your cold dough. 1/2 dough for your base and 1/2 to use for the top of your pie. Make sure you put enough flour on your counter top before rolling flat your dough. Also make sure the diameter you are making is at least 2 inches bigger than your Pie pan or Pie Baking sheet.
-Here’s the technique In transferring your flattened dough to your pan, roll the dough around your rolling pin. Slowly lift it up, and slowly place it on top of your Pie Pan.
(You can refrigerate this or use it at once)


B. The Apple & Sauce
-4 to 6 Mix Green and Red Apples (Make sure get the crunchy brands and kinds).
-Peel & slice the apples into small cubes.










-Combine the following in a sauce pan, low heat.
-Melt the 1/2 cup Unsalted butter (1 stick)
-Then add 3 Tablespoon flour, constantly stirring.
-Add 1/2 cup white sugar
-Add 1/2 cup brown sugar
-Let it simmer, then add 1/4 cup water
-Keep stirring. Let it come to boil, then reduce heat.
-Let it stay for at least 3 more minutes.




-Pour 3/4 of the Sauce mixture into your sliced apples.
-Mix it thoroughly.
-Then put the filling on top of your crust.
-Then sprinkle some of the Secret ingredient mixture on top of the apple mixture.

-Combine 2 tablespoon of brown sugar, with 1 tsp Cinnamon powder and 1/2 tsp of nutmeg powder.

-Now start laying the lengthwise top crust you made on top of your pie. Do a criss-cross pattern, having an inch distance, to allow the filling to breath better and will avoid too much break through the sides.
-Cut any excess of dough around your crust, then using your finger- pinch the edges to seal your Apple Pie.
-Then brush the rest of the left over of your Sauce mixture on top of the Criss-cross crust. Dropping some of it on the spacing.
-Lastly, sprinkle the Secret Ingredient all over the top crust.

-Finally, bake it for 15 minutes under 425F, then 30 minutes for 30minutes.
-And if you want a crispier Top crust, leave it under Broil for additional 5 Minutes.


-Serve Hot as is, or with Ice Cream.
-Serve Cold as is, or with whipped cream.


Thanks again for visiting. Hoping you will give it a try! Home made is always special!
And I think, I love pies now!
Have a slice.

Proverbs 16:24

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

– See more at:

Proverbs 16:24

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

– See more at:

Proverbs 16:24

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

– See more at:

 “Pleasant words  are a Honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”- Proverbs 16:24

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