My sweet Succulent journey…

Today I was able to go over the photos of my gardening. Surprisingly, I realized that I am one of those that fell in love with the famous “Succulents” too. Welcome to my green thumb Journey…

all about succulents
all about succulents


Two weeks ago I made a center piece for a certain event using succulents from our own Tiny backyard and with a help from some stores. Succulents are just so pretty! The colors changes depending on the weather. Less water to use. And very beautiful decorations. And just like my sister in Christ is doing, it’s an awesome Gift! Check out her site

There’s a certain peace that I personally experience every time I do gardening, specially between orchids and succulents.

Here are some tips. Go visit your garage first or backyard before going to any thrift stores for those cute containers you can use that are absolutely good buy or free. It can be an old jar, tea cups, box, basket, wine glass and etc. Then imagine the looks you want using the kind of succulents you already have and any motif you plan to put together. This is an absolute fun! Can be a gift, can be a center piece, can be simply a decorative.

I went to one of the Thrift store near our place, and got a set of white ceramic cups with saucer for only $11.00! BOOM! I made 8 sets. Then I found a shower curtain rings set of 8 for $2.00! And let me share with you Photos of how the center piece came out to be.

A set of Cup & saucer, 8 sets for $11.00
A set of Cup & saucer, 8 sets for $11.00
After cleaning it. Pretty white ceramic cups!
After cleaning it. Pretty white ceramic cups!
Materials I'm planning to use.
Materials I’m planning to use.
Getting your hands dirty for fun!
Getting your hands dirty for fun!



Top view.
Top view.


Side view.
Side view.
Such a fun moment!
Such a fun moment!




Ready now to be a center piece.
Ready now to be a center piece.

I will post more photos on my next blog. May it give you ideas and inspirations to appreciate Succulents too. Message me for any questions or projects to work on. Again, thank you for visiting my site.

“Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27”

My Succulent Center piece.
My Succulent Center piece.


Special thanks to my youngest sister for my cutee & comfy Gardening shoes!!! My sweet LIGHTBULB!

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