Our Little Mustards…

Today, this verse struck me. As I was doing my morning prayer, “a.k.a” morning talk with God… it actually touched my heart. Gave peace to my tiny worries, and covered my mind and heart with HIS promises. All it takes was a tiny little faith in the size of a mustard seed.

This blog will be a daily to a monthly post. As we share with you our very own journey of faith with our “Little Mustards”.

20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”-Matthew 17:20

mustard seed faith
Our Faith. Little Mustard that will grow Big in God’s perfect time.

It is indeed very comforting to know that there is “Nothing Impossible” with our God. Some events in our lives that not only others doubted but sometimes even ourselves doubts it. But through prayers and hearing and hearing the words of GOD, our Faith grows bigger and gets stronger.

Day 1, Day 6, Day 10… it doesn’t matter, the important thing is, we started to practice our Faith. Believing in a powerful merciful God that can actually hear us. And let our Journey begin…

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