Our Love Story

Short but forever sweet!

To begin with, “waiting” is no fun. But what I want to share with you is my realization that “waiting” is actually exciting! That is, if we are talking about waiting for your match made in heaven. Knowing to just trust God on this.


After coming out from different relationships, either left them or ended up with a broken heart. It actually doesn’t matter. What I learned from falling in love, is getting back on your feet to pick up the pieces. Meaning, we learn from our mistakes, we are awakened from our stubbornness, and finally we listen to God’s will. We then realize that everything happens for a reason. We learn to forgive. And fall in love again. And when you realize, you now simply know how to let go and let God.

Most of my friends knew my kind of ideal man. Do you know what your ideal man or woman is? I had a long list. When I learned how to pray specifically, I lay it down to God, one by one. It came to a point that I doubted. And then I gave up in finding my Mr. Right. I was not getting any younger. I was in my mid 30s then. The feeling of frustration. Did you know that if God sees your desire to really be with someone to grow old with, He actually will give your heart’s desire (Note: It may not be the one you always wanted though). I always believed that if anyone longs to end up happily with someone, it will really come true. The key here is on how you trust God patiently in giving you the right one. The kind of person that is best for you, not the one you think is best for you. It may take overnight, a year or so. For me, it was years after.

Believe me, God will exceed the list that you made. And our love story begins…

It was a sunny afternoon in March 2011, when my hairdresser gave me a call to meet up with them for a lunch because the guy she wants for me was with them. They are in Redondo Beach area. But I was coming from Los Angeles, visiting my Amah (Grandmother) then need to go to Church in Harbor City for a Choir rehearsal in the afternoon. It sounded so impossible, so I told her to just reschedule it. But she was persistent (which now, I am so thankful to God that she was!). For short, the supposed to be lunch became a super late lunch just to accommodate me. It was in a beautiful cozy Italian restaurant, Lomeli’s (One of my fave place on earth!).  Finally, we met. He is a white American guy who was wearing a Hawaiian polo with a long curly hair. Not even close to being a “Chinito”. If you knew me, these are all but a “no-no”. Things that are not on my list! But I went on with the double date. We ordered our food already when I got a text that I need to go to the Church practice immediately. To make the long story short, it became like a “hi-hello-good bye” date. Though he insisted to make my order to go! Is that a good sign?

The one.
The one.

The same night, my hairdresser kept calling me. Convincing me to have a second date with that guy. She started making me feel guilty by saying: “He paid for our food! He made your food to go! He is really a nice guy but you left him so soon! It’s unfair to him because he dressed up for this! Just give it one more try then I will never insist it again! Etc etc.” So after a few phone calls, I decided to have lunch with him. Seriously, a friendly lunch because I am sure to myself that I will not fall for this guy. Ooops! I spoke too soon. Our initial “for real” conversation was really something. He made me feel so at home conversing with him with whatever topic we can think of. We enjoyed our Mexican lunch, discovering that we both enjoy spicy food. Realizing, we have so many things in common! It’s like we can just understand each other clearly. No “nose bleed” (Filipinos will understand that joke!) So our follow up date became a constant dates.

From a few lunch dates, it turned to be a succeeding dinner dates. I remember clearly when he gave me a call one evening and telling me: “Can we go out for a dinner this time? I don’t want to sound pushy but I think it’s about time for us to have a more romantic date. And somehow I can show more of my clear intentions by meeting your Family. Picking you up from your place and driving for you. Instead of just meeting up.” So I finally agreed with him. Then our first dinner date happened. And yes I am so eager to share! He came to our home around 630pm. Met my sister and bro in law. He opened the passenger door for me. Then handed me a pretty flower arrangement! And it was just so magical. The way he treats me, I can actually feel the sense of respect. My heart started praying to God entrusting this chapter in my life. Because, he is too good to be true.

Eventually, he met some of my relatives; few friends; church friends, until the day he met my Amah (Grandmother). It was a beautiful picture when my Amah gave me a thumbs up! Specially when we were about to leave when she held on to his face and whispered this line… “Oh, I like you! Please come back and visit me again! I love you Russell!”(Sealed with a kiss!). Yes, my sweet Amah just gave me away! I hadn’t even said yes to him and yet my Amah knew already that he will be the one. He then started going to the Church where I go to. He will wake up early on Sundays (By the way he is not a morning person) just to pick me up, open the passenger’s door, and will let me in, then close the door, then drive for me. It then became a beautiful routine. That every time we will go out, he will do the same gentleman gestures (Which I was hoping will never change!).

Until one day, I prayed to GOD for a simple sign. If he wears “blue” today, I will say Yes to him before this week ends. For one day in my life, I became a color blind. Yup for me he was wearing “Blue”, but a year later I found out, it was grayish! But these are little surprises that God allows to happen because of a beautiful thing about to unfold. May 26 of 2011 when we had a very romantic dinner. For the first time, instead of different bouquet of flowers, he gave me a single white & single red roses. He then asked the question, if we can be committed officially. Without winking my eyes, I said…”Yes!” And of course, I started texting my sisters and a few friends that it’s official! When he drove me home, I felt the sense of peace and pure love. That was just the start of it. My very own fairy tale. My very own love story. Our love story.


In Genesis 2:18: “Then the Lord said, “it is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” And in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Rejoice always. pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”.

Let God see what you wrote down on your “list”.  And get ready to what God has written for you! Until then, when finally God unfolds it in front of you.

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