Not every one of us has a pantry. I was one of them- before. Anyways, whether we have one or not, it doesn’t matter because almost everyone is heading out to buy and to stock up! To fill their pantries or have an instant space for everything they bought. To buy a few is fine, but 2 weeks ago I saw people getting more than 5 cases of bottled water; carts full of sacks of Jasmine rice! And of course the famous hand sanitizers and toilet papers running out! This week, groceries are finally putting limit to how many a buyer can get. And I see aisles after aisles of empty shelves! NOT only of what I mentioned earlier but even canned goods, noodles, bread and etc. Are we just getting ready for the worst? Or are we on a panic mode now? God help us.

It is okay to be prepared but to do panic buying- is totally a different story.
Sad to say that most of the people who panic seem to be the healthiest of them all, and somehow the ones that can afford to buy tons of things in one transactions. The ones with means to buy. But how about the elders that can’t go out easily to buy some; or those that live pay check to pay check; or to those that have nothing. People that commute and can only bring with them a few. Before we start hoarding things- let’s think of others. And in case you have way more than, share some to the needy. God help us so.

P. A. N. T. R. Y.

P- Pray

A- Against

N- Negative “thoughts”

T- Troublesome “spirit”

R- Roaring “fear”

Y- Your “doubts

PRAY. Let’s focus all our energy to praying. Round the clock to those that can do it. The power of prayer is tremendous! “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by PRAYER and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.- Philippians 4:6
What should we pray for?
-Pray for healing for the People that are positive of this Virus.
-Pray for protection & strength to those who are in the front line taking care of Patients infected.
-Pray for protection over all of us that are not affected at all.
-Pray and rebuke the virus. Pray that we all overcome this.
-Pray for a cure. Pray that God give wisdom & knowledge to those that are working round the clock to create a vaccine.
-Pray that things will normalize soon. Very soon.
-Continue praying…


NEGATIVE “Thoughts”. We rebuke thoughts and situations that lead ourselves to be thinking too much negativity about this virus. We should stand against our mind to over thinking things. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—THINK about such things.”- Philippians 4:8 Refocus our minds to think only the good things we see as we take extra precautions. Appreciate every day that we are still alive. We have food to eat. We have time to pray. There is tomorrow still. God help us so.

TROUBLESOME “Spirit”– When we allow negative thoughts to reign in us, we end up feeling troublesome. Our spirit feels low and uncertain.Why, my soul are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in GOD, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my GOD!” – Psalm 42:11. Let’s continue to remind ourselves about our Hope in GOD. Let’s sing praises to HIM! Let’s continue to worship GOD to fight against the works of the enemy. For God hath not given us the SPIRIT of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”- 2 Timothy 1:7 God protect us all.

ROARING “Fear”. Come to think of all the panic going on around us. Lockdowns, running out of Grocery items, some of the family/ loved ones far away from us, no classes, travels being cancelled, Churches closing, Hospitals getting full, etc etc etc… can all easily cause fear. Like what’s going on?! This is feeling scary. Instead of entertaining this roaring fear trying to over take our sound mind…Let’s remember, For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. -Isaiah 41:13 There are so many verses that will remind us of how GOD is in control and that we should not fear but trust HIM. GOD will help us so.

YOUR “Doubts”. As we entertain fear, doubts starts building up. All kinds of doubts! We then feel hopeless. Are we ready for this kind of crisis? How are we tomorrow? To those that don’t have means, what is tomorrow for them? Will this lead to stopping our normal life? Our normal routines? We then stop what we normally do! We doubt every person we encounter now. When they travel, when they sneeze, when they cough, the way they look and etc etc etc. The food we eat, the place we go, even to go to Church, doubting doubting doubting… are we doubting that our GOD can handle this too? Are we doubting that he can protect us? But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.-James 1:6 Instead of being swept away by numerous reason to doubt, READ Psalm 91! … “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; -verse 11.GOD help us so.

GOD GOT THIS ONE! And hearing from news that more patients are getting better, increase rate of healing! We know God is at work. And we look forward that everything will be normal again.

CoronaVirus will end soon in JESUS name, amen. “Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. –
Philippians 2:9-11

Let’s continue to check the P.A.N.T.R.Y. Let’s continue to pray. Let’s grab this opportunity to pray among our family members while there’s no classes; not much place to go to, most are having days to work from home. Let’s use this as an opportunity to strengthen our faith and work together in prayers!

Thank you for your time. Thank you for praying with me and with the rest of the world.

Links you can check to learn more about this Pandemic case.
Know any updates!
–  CDC
Public Health (Los Angeles County)
– Repost
– Psalm 91- Read me.
Check other updates from your local city, public health and Government. Take care!

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