Patties for Kiddos!

Hi Everyone! Hi to all the Parents that enjoys cooking!

I posted a Burger Patty recipe already. What’s the difference? Veggies!

Last night, I surprised my sweet loving Husband of a veggie meaty burger patty! And I believe wonderful Parents will really appreciate this. Simple home made patties that is incorporated with different vegetables. (You can be creative with this!) Let me start sharing you my recipe, so you can start enjoying making this! Good luck and happy eating with your Kiddos!

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Mix together 1 whole fresh garlic, 1/2 onion, 1 cup baby carrots, 1 big red bell pepper, 1 green bell pepper, 2 stalk of small celery. Then using a grinder, grind all the solid ingredients together. (The Grind/Chop Cuisinart was a gift from my Wedding Shower Party, and it’s been a big help! Thanks to you!)


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In your ground beef (I use the rounded patties- about 5 of it), mix together the grind ingredients with 1 cup Mexican cheese, 1/4 tbsp black pepper, 1/2 tbsp garlic salt, 1 tbsp dried parsley, 1/4 cup garlic powder, 1/2 cup Bread Crumbs, a dash of cayenne pepper.

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Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Then start forming a ball shape as big as your wrist, or depending on the size you want to serve your burger patties.

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Flatten it. Then place on a parchment paper sheet for baking.


I spread a  little butter on top and sprinkled some garlic powder before baking.

Bake it for 20 to 30 minutes until juice starts coming out and it’s browning. Flip it then bake for another 5 to 10 minutes.

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Then serve it while hot & juicy!!! Serve it with a Bread, on top of a salad, or with rice!



Options: You can add 1/2 tbsp hot sauce, to spice it up more.

You can Grind the solid ingredients more to make the veggies way smaller so it can be more invisible for the kiddos, if you want to hide it.

You can pan fry it. Or for more fun on a weekend, brush olive oil or butter then Grill it! But baking is always healthier.

Thank you so much! Hopefully on my next sharing on food trip, we can insert a video for cooking!


This is the verse of the day, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the hearts.” Prov 21:2. May our hearts be filled with only good things. Enjoy your day!

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