Pregnancy Tests. Our Pregnancy Journey Episode 1

Let us share with you our journey to being a Family of our own.

Excited? We too!
But what’s with the pregnancy tests?


Negative. Positive. Negative. Positive. It goes on and on.

Honestly, since day 1 of our New Journey we wanted to share to the world every little detail about it. But there is always a perfect time to do so and to share a Story. We had to consider legalities, the timing and of course, the fact of being first time Parents, first time mother, first time father- our hands were suddenly so full and our bodies easily get tired (reality bites) to do additional stuff like for me- my blogging. No time to just sit down and start writing. On top of that we are absolutely savoring & enjoying this beautiful God given blessing for us. Our every moment with our child. (Those that became parents will understand).

Family of 3!

But first, have you read our Blog entitled, “Our Pregnancy” last Oct 2015? Our journey started there… and this was the “ending statement” we shared on that blog.

Join us in this journey. We are excited on how God is molding our Faith as a husband and wife to remain stronger and to mature together. As God helps us to grow in Hope together. To Trust HIM alone, and not in our own knowledge. To praise Him even in times of sorrow. We are joyful not only to what God is doing in our lives, in our marriage but because of our healthy relationship with our almighty God and for all the wonderful Family, relatives and friends that surrounds us. God’s comfort is so amazing!”

Diving to the verse i quoted as well from that same Blog…”May you find courage. And may you hear God’s message to you. May your faith and hope increase. Hebrews 10:23Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”

HE… our GOD is faithful. God promised us a child in year 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 and every day since then. Have you imagined how many pregnancy tests were used? A lot!

Btw you must be wondering if my husband ever did any Medical test. Yes he did, and he got flying colors when it comes to his capabilities. He and his sperms are excellent and very strong. I did all the test as well! One thing is for sure, I am a surrogate candidate! Yes you read it right? I can carry a child. But what’s causing the miscarriages? My eggs are getting weaker. (You can imagine how broken hearted I was).

Going back to my story telling…

2016 I started having dreams of a little girl with waves on her hair sitting by the end of a leatherette Sofa in our living room, crying and waiting for my attention. I shared it to my husband and said, “What if there’s a child out there meant for us?” We prayed about it. We spoke with my Fertility Doctor. He wants me to do “Egg Donor” first. Why? 2 things, I am a good candidate to be a surrogate mother and at the same time, knowing that my eggs are weak. That’s why I easily get pregnant but we easily loose it as well. Btw, we did few IUI’s & IVF already. Yes you can imagine how my heart sunk. It sucks! Getting pregnant and miscarrying over and over again. After all forms of test, ultrasounds, procedures, needles, clinic visits, changes in lifestyle and etc.

Infertility has different forms but for me it has the same emotion. Hurtful. It can be heartbreaking or so heartbreaking! Absolutely consuming to most of us by doing every possible means and ways we can, both Physically and mentally. It can drive a woman to feeling alone, frustrated, condemned. To those like us that have various miscarriages, you wonder, how much is too much? Until when should we be trying and hoping? (Specially like me not getting any younger). So I asked God for strength, guidance, grace and a miracle.

Fast forward to 2017 God confirmed to my Husband as well. A journey God is preparing us to walk together. We absolutely prayed about it. Seek guidance and entrusted God with the process.

Our Journey, together we stand in Faith.

We prayed that if we are meant to be a Family, if we are meant to adopt a child, that God will lead us to the right Agency. Send us the right people and the right support system. After so many research and inquiries, God showed the path and HE absolutely provided for us. And mind you, when it is God’s will… everything will fall in the right places! To answer your question, was our beautiful daughter Adopted? Yes. God orchestrated every little detail of this Journey to the very moment HE gave her to us. Without a doubt she is our daughter. We are not ashamed and not even hiding this truth. We feel so blessed that God called us to this beautiful Journey.

And just like Infertility, Adoption can be isolating. With every judgmental eye and unsupportive comment, there are still people out there that will never understand what you’ve been through or to what your journey really meant. There were times, we felt alone (I felt alone!); We felt we don’t belong (there were times, I was singled out). But then, our Journey kept us grounded. Both my husband and I learned a lot in this journey. God molding in us a better version of us now that we are Parents to our own. Learning the curves to be stronger (A strength we thought we never had) and extending more grace to others that needed it the most. God softened our hearts even more to People around us, to those in the same boat or sailing on a different path. We feel you.

God prepared me and my husband for almost 3 years to finally give us the answer to our prayers. And our journey was so awesome. Every adoption journey is beautiful and we feel so blessed to have our own story to share. There were challenges, frustrations, waiting game and even fears. But all we can say now, everything was a “WOW GOD!” experience for us. And we can’t wait to share with you how it all happened. Stay tuned in our next blog.

Our daughter is our child.
She may not be of our flesh but she is more than that to us.
She is an answer to our prayers.
She is our greatest blessing.
Our God orchestrated our story, this journey and without a doubt, we are so meant to be a family of our own.
A Family of 3!
And we are so proud that she is ours.
She belongs to us.
She is our daughter.

Sweet Pea.

God heard. God answered.

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,” – Matthew 18:5
One thing God made clear to us, adopting her was not an option.
It was a calling and God’s plan all along. With the obedience, the blessings follows, our hearts’ desires heard. We became a Family of our own. And we embraced this journey with overflowing joy and love.

Thank you for joining us Today. We hope and we pray that one way or another, you were encouraged that nothing is Impossible with God. That God’s plans are way better than what we envision. That sometimes, we need to be mindful of how others feel, to what others are going through. And give them the respect & support we best can extend. If we can’t, then say nothing or if you may pray for them.
Until our next sharing. Again, Thank you.

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