Project Lei!

Our sweet local Church, New Life Harbor City is preparing for a Holy Week activities. One of which is the Cross Walk Experience. It’s the station of the cross. And because we want to make everyone that will participate feel special and triumphant, we will be giving out “white leis” that they can wear at the end of the experience.

Here is what I came up with:IMG_6005Materials:
I got fake white loose rose petals.
IMG_6009 Then brown Twine
IMG_6007And wide white silky ribbons.

Easy steps would be:
1. Measure the desired length for your Twine then cut it accordingly.
2. Snip the petals for the Twine to go through.
IMG_60033. You can put the petals close together or have 2 inches difference from one petal to another.
4. Place the wide ribbons at the end where to close the loop.
5. You can write something on the wide ribbon. (Depending which occasion you will use this Lei).


It’s simple but it can make a pretty difference in your occasion.
Have fun!


“He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord belong the issues from death. Psalm 68:20″

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