Thank You Lord

There are so many reasons that I can thank God for.

Sunset- SweetLifeJourney
Lord, I thank You for every morning that I wake up.
For every breath I take. My every inhale and exhale.
Lord, I thank You for each day that I was able to do something.
For blessing the works of my little hands.
Lord, I thank You for every moment I spend with my loved ones.
For all the love and care. Even the misunderstandings that bind us closer & stronger.
Lord, I thank You for each friend you’ve entrusted and given me.
For all the laughter and tears shared. The ups & downs that made us closer like brothers.
Lord, I thank You for the miracles of each day.
For always granting my heart’s desire and if not, even giving me something way better.
Lord, I thank You for my daily bread physically & spiritually.
For the good health and daily motivation to be stronger & bolder.
Lord, I thank You for a roof over my head. Soft bed to sleep at anytime.
For the gadgets & technologies that help me cope up with the world.
For all Your provisions and protections wherever my feet bring me.

Lord, I thank You for the simplest things that are happening in my life.
For allowing me to see a movie; to hear a song;  to dance in the rain and even run in the sand.
Lord, I thank You for always helping me to understand, to forgive and to let go.
For every lesson I learned in my life & from others as well.
Lord, I thank You for the Church I go to.
For letting me dwell in Your presence; sing praises to You and hear Your words.
Lord, I thank You for touching my life with Your unconditional love.
For allowing me to be a blessing to others and letting me pray with them for their prayers.
Lord, I can go all day writing my thanks to You…
But most of all, I thank You for saving me and simply making my life meaningful & beautiful.
It’s not perfect but with You my heart finds peace, joy and reasons to smile everyday.
Lord, I thank You for always being there to tap my shoulder & carry me when needed.
For simply being my mighty GOD.
Lord, I humbly Thank You.

God's promises- SweetLifeJourney

Thank You Lord.

Have you thanked God today?
We should practice thanking Him every moment of our existence.
“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20

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