The dream to Travel

Just like a little child, I am always excited about something! Going out! Traveling!

I'm dreaming
I’m dreaming

Since I was a little girl, I always imagined traveling in so many places! Even going to the moon (seriously!)… I remember when we were kids, our parents will always bring us to different places in the Philippines to enjoy the beach, nature, sunset, picnics, etc etc! Oh how I enjoy the breeze, the rain, the sound of the wave, the excitement of packing & preparing for a picnic or a swimming weekend plans. Those were the days! A childhood dream that I hope one day, I can travel to nearby countries and eventually see the big countries!  The dream to RIDE THE AIRPLANE! Of course these things don’t just happen over night. But there is no harm in dreaming! Because I personally believe, it will all start in dreaming, imagining and praying about it. “I wonder if other countries have warm water in their beaches?” “What’s inside the Airport?”  “How do they park the Airplane?”-Child’s thoughts.

I still remember the first time I rode the airplane with my sister and my Dad! I’m nervous, but so excited! The feel of flying! It’s sad though, that we were not complete as a family when we had that first trip outside the Philippines. Oh it brings back good memories! My first travel was to Hongkong & China! The three of us had a blast! Visited our relatives and gained new friends! Thanks to my Aunt for treating us!

China 2000
China 2000

Then it was followed by little trips to other Asian countries with my good old travel friends. A trip always filled with fun, craziness, dramas, adventures & etc. Learning so many cultures, dishes & etc! But it always ends happy and memorable for us!

Macau 2006
Macau 2009

Another beautiful travel was with my Mom & youngest sister as a treat!
It was their first time to ride the Airplane. We just enjoyed every moment of it! Our special thanks to my good friends, the wonderful Agregado family for always so loving & accommodating! A flight followed by another flight and another flight and to another flight.

China 2009
China 2009

Then after that, the big good oh surprise came! My flight to USA! Thanks to my sister & bro in law from LA! The moment my feet touched the ground of LAX, my heart just kept praising God! It’s not just like in the movie anymore…I am actually touring America! I was in the Airplane for hours & hours! First place to visit? Las Vegas! I was just seeing Vegas in good old American movies back in the Philippines. Then San Diego… the dolphins and whales are just so beautiful up close and in person. Then of course, the happiest place on earth! The Disneyland. I am sure every kid imagines hanging out in such a place, even those adults with a young heart! Oh lovely! Tiring but the joy to travel with Family and my sweet first nephew is just so amazing!

LAX 2009
LAX 2009
Las Vegas 2009
Las Vegas 2009
Disneyland 2009
Disneyland 2009

Well, just making a point that dreams do come true! Either you already have the means to do so, you just have to be brave & explore the world!  Or believe me, God will supply your needs and He will open opportunities for you as well to travel. If your heart desires it… keep believing, keep imagining, keep praying! Next thing you know, you are on your first flight! Or to your next flight!

“Then you will walk (travel) safely in your way, And your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet. Do not be afraid of sudden terror, Nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes; For the Lord will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught.” Proverbs 3:23-26.

Have a safe travel, by land, air or water!


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