My secret to finding Mr. Right.

My Amah’s silent prayers.

Amah. It’s a Chinese term pertaining to a Grandmother from your father’s side. And what I’m about to share with you is something really special in my heart. And because it’s a Valentine month, I thought of starting my first ever “Blog” with this story.

Amah & I
Amah & I

It all started since 1999. My Grandmother residing in US, and I in the Philippines, our ways of communication is through “long distance” call or the long letters I will “mail” to her. It was that year when I shared to her my heart aches from a broken relationship. And to what I can remember, she told me not to be affected at all because the best is yet to come.  And since then, she will lovingly encourage me to visit US. But because of my status then, being single, young and a Licensed Nurse, it was too difficult to get a US Visa. I will always be denied.

Fast forward. I had other relationships after that break up. But it seems like nothing really is meant to last. Until that day came, when I finally gave it a try to apply again for a US Visa, which was the 7th time. Seriously. And again, my prayers to GOD was, “if it’s your will, so be it. If not, I will go to Canada or to Australia. Or maybe to Singapore.” This was 2009.

And yes! I was approved. I got a multiple visa. So Finally, I flew to US with my Mom. I was so happy and excited! It was November of 2009 when we had a small gathering with my Grandmother for the Thanksgiving. And while she was holding my hands, she whispered to me something like this: “Finally, Emily my prayers will be answered! Because you are here now in the US.” I didn’t know how to react, so I just answered back by saying, “Why Amah? Because I can be a full fledged US Nurse soon?” And her answer was, “No, because since 1999 I’ve been praying for you. That you will be happily married to an American guy, a real white American guy like your Uncle Cal! Everyday, that was my prayer for you.”  Sweet! Isn’t it?

I then told my Grandmother, “Now, I understand why none of my previous relationships ever succeeded. Because you were strongly praying for me specifically to end up with an American. And honestly I can’t even imagine myself dating any kinds of Foreigners.” Then she just smiled back at me saying, “God knows who is best for you. I will not stop praying.”

It was December of 2010, we had a little gathering at Church and our Pastor led us into prayers. It’s a prayer of surrendering to GOD everything. I was with my sister and bro in law during that time. I just break down in tears. I was crying to God as I was surrendering to him my so called “Love life”. My prayer was not to find Mr. Right anymore. Basically I gave up already. After a few dates in US. I realized, I’m not getting any younger and I don’t think I will ever meet the right one for me. So I was praying to God to make those Love ones around me like my family, relatives and friends to have the heart to accept and understand that I will be “Single” for life. That may they find peace and just be happy for me. Sad picture but I felt released.

But when your heart is praying. Constantly praying without ceasing. And a lot of your support actually prays for you, like my no. 1 support, my Grandmother. God hears it all. And really, God knows what’s best for you, but it’s gonna be in HIS prefect time.

2011. In a beautiful day of March. My hair dresser introduced me to a man, I never imagined would be, The One. Yes, he is the white American guy that my Grandmother has been praying for all along. It all started in a quick lunch that was more like a speed date. But our follow up date, became a regular dates, until he patiently courted me, my family, my relatives, my friends, most specially my Grandmother… “Amah”. And the rest, is a beautiful history. That most likely, I will be sharing in my next few blogs.

Me and my Russell.
Me and my Russell.

The point of sharing this story is to put emphasis on what “Prayers” can do. Like what the silent prayer of my “Amah” has for me for years and years. The prayers of people around me, wanting me to be happy and be well loved. My own prayer that only God can understand.

It’s like the verse in the Bible: Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”.

Never too late to start praying.





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