The Veggie Trash!

Did you know that the Veggie you are about to throw away, can actually be worth keeping?

Like your Celery, Carrots, all kinds of Lettuce, Cabbage and etc. After getting the part we want to eat from our veggies, we then of course toss away the hard end part of it, the stem. But wait, that small part can actually turn into a plant again, and eventually you can harvest your own veggies! Yup no need of seeds and soil in the early part of planting. Here’s the trick to do it.


1. Clean the remaining end part of your veggie, take away the dark parts if there’s any.
2. Place it in a wide opening container like a glass, a cup or small pot (no holes).
3. Put water halfway the size of the veggie so it will drown.
4. Soak the bottom part of the veggie in the water.
5. Clean & change the water either daily or every other day to avoid bacteria growing & for faster growth.
6. Place the container of choice by the window for some sun, the source of Vitamins.
7. Then, watch how your “throw away” veggie blooms!
8. If you see tiny roots and the veggie is growing already, you can now transplant into soil (Use a medium size pot).
9. Plant in the soil a little more than the bottom part. Water 2x a week.This way it can absorb the mineral from the soil.
10. Then happy harvest eventually!









From all your veggie trash, next thing you know you are growing your own little garden of Veggies. Do this little project and have fun with your kids or with any kids around. This project will help them more to understand the importance of veggies and of saving. A veggie trash can easily turn into a good deal and savings afterwards. So, start discovering the wonderful way to save.

Happy Planting everyone! 

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-8

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